Keynote Speaking


Nearly 20 years of corporate advisory work plus nearly 30 years of corporate executive experience on national and international levels. That’s what Eli Amdur brings to the podium when he speaks on a broad range of the most critical issues – both present and future – faced by organizations of all kinds.

Further, we can bring together other notable speakers whose topics can be integrated with our programs listed under Corporate Services or Individual Career Coaching. Please click on either of these links to learn more.

“Piercing and provocative thought.”

“Powerful delivery. There’s no mistaking his message.”

” Instantly connected with everyone in the room – all 450 of us.”

What 50 Years in Business Have Taught Me

What I’ve learned along the way

Leadership Advisory Topics

The Hybrid Workplace: 

To see your hybrid workplace as a simple issue of on-site vs remote work is to fall far short of the real complexities of the issue. This discussion not only peels back all the layers of the onion called hybridism; it also examines what’s happening (and has already happened) around the world.

The Ethics of Progress:

The history and future of ethical decision making. A theoretical and case-study look at “progress” – with and without ethical guidance and oversight. Given the nature, scope and pace of change, Ethics will be the single greatest challenge of the 21st century and beyond. And the lack of – or inattention to – ethics will lead to the greatest disaster(s) of all time. Or we can choose otherwise.

What is a Leader?

Only with a solid working definition (and depiction) of a leader can we develop future leaders. This highly interactive activity elicits this definition from its participants through stimulating teamwork.

Jobs of the Future – Today: 

One of every four jobs in the workplace in 2025 didn’t exist five years ago. What are they? How can we figure them out? Here’s how to start doing that – critical, because some of those jobs will surely be in your organization. This is not a data dump on “fastest growing jobs.” It’s a mind stretcher.

Creativity, Change, and the 21st Century Leader:

Leaders of the 21st century can no longer deal just with change; they must be able to create, discover, and invent new ways of thinking, new ways of dealing with greater changes yet to come, and new ways of building organizations. Creativity, therefore, is the only sustainable advantage that any individual, executive, organization, or nation will ever again have.

Twenty-one Critical Skill Sets for the 21st Century:

What skill sets, perspectives, responsibilities, and sensibilities will your organization – and the people in it – need to succeed in the 21st century?

Motivation and Leadership: 

An understanding of motivation as a lever for achievement – and where the most effective motivation comes from. An overlay – human behavior and leadership roles – that reveals what leaders must do beyond motivation.

What They Didn’t Teach You in Business School:

Critical business leadership lessons drawn from unexpected NON -business sources. An examination of critical business and leadership concerns and how great leaders from outside the business world might deal with them.

The One Word Missing from Your Org Chart (That Will, if Added, Change Your Organization Forever):

 This is our nominee for longest title. But it’s also our nominee for most transformational.

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